Common Car Questions to Know

Common Car Questions to Know

If you’re still a newbie car driver, you might have a few questions on hand that you’ve been too afraid to ask people. Well, there’s a lot of you out there. Don’t wonder about it anymore because we will answer some of the very common questions people have about their own car units.

Knowing all of this will help you when you’re going out on your first vacation and road trip – for the prevention of accidents and injuries and to protect you and your passengers.


Q: How often should the tire pressure be checked?
A: Despite people telling you to check your tires’ pressure every week, it’s unrealistic and can take a lot of time. For a busy person owning a car for convenience, they are not able to do it as often as people say. A convenient way to keep track of your tire pressure is to check it every 30 days. Have it checked while you’re at the car shop.


Q: When to change the transmission fluid?
A: Professional Car Engineers recommends that a vehicle’s transmission fluid should be changed once every 50,000 kilometer run or 2 years.


Q: Why is the blinking of signal lights inconsistent?
A: Sometimes a signal light is normal but other times it blinks faster. This happens when the bulb of your lights burn out. This makes your voltage load drop, making it easier for the circuit to do its job – blinking. Your bulb burning out makes the circuit do its job faster and easier.


Q: What makes an oversteer different from an understeer?
A: An oversteer happens when your vehicle turns or steers more than what you have initially intended. Understeer happens when the car turns less than what you intended. You can see these jargons thrown around among car enthusiasts and competitive drivers.


Q: When should my timing belt be replaced?
A: Most manufacturers recommend that the timing belt must be changed in between the car’s 80,000-100,000 kilometer run. If you do not keep track of this, the timing belt will just run its course and break. Leaving your car engine to fail and not do its job. Which is why it is optimal for you to get ahead of that problem and regularly change it. Check on your car manual and follow the manufacturer’s recommended time for changing the timing belt.


Q: Can I just switch to using a different oil grade or a synthetic oil?
A: The best answer can be found in your car manual. In there it is specified your manufacturer’s recommended oil grade to use. It is best to follow your factory’s recommendations. But if you do want to switch to using synthetic oil, there has not been much problem with it. However if you bought an older car that’s been in use for 8 or more years with no oil switching, switching now is not a good idea.


Q: Does the sound of my brakes mean anything?
A: Your brakes are constantly moving and are built with different rotating parts and pads. As time goes on, these parts wear down and will make vibrations. There are 2 distinct noises when your brake parts are worn down.

The first one is a high pitched sound. When you hear this, get your brake pads checked and have it replaced. The second one is the groan of metal to metal grinding that means your brake pads are causing damage to your brake rotors. This is already severe and should be brought to the shop to get fixed.


Q: Is there a way I can save money on gas?
A: To navigate on this, you have to familiarize yourself with the cheaper gas located near you. Various gas stations have varying prices so it’s always good to note who sells them cheapest. If you’ve found your ‘suki’ gas station, try to get a loyalty card from them or an affiliate supermarket. Sometimes reward cards collect points and give you discounts the more you use their services.


Q: What is a two-stroke and a four-stroke engine?
A: An engine’s stroke is the maximum movement your car’s piston can make towards one direction. Having a two-stroke engine means they can do two strokes for a single fuel injection, and a four-stroke engine can do a four-stroke for the same amount of fuel injection.


Q: Why is my car hydroplaning?
A: Hydroplane is the instance where your tires come into contact with water that it can’t dispel. The water pressure on the front of your wheels will push water underneath – creating a barrier between the road and your tire. This makes your vehicle lose traction, losing your braking and steering control.

We are a kalibo-based car rental service called Tacloban Rent a Car. In our garage are a variety of vehicles you can choose from with affordable prices.

You can also contact us through the following:
[Globe]: 0936 812 9040 or 0955 872 3883
[Smart]: 0981 632 5288 or 0907 931 8774

Tips when you’re Looking for a Bridal Car to Rent

Tips when you’re Looking for a Bridal Car to Rent

The perfect bridal car is sought after in weddings to make the marriage a day to remember for the bride and groom. But sometimes, it is not good to just spend an unnecessarily large amount of money and rent the most expensive limousine for the day. The bride might not like it or it would not suit the event itself!

Your best way to avoid this is to look at the theme of the wedding and to plan out the role of the car, especially in the entrance. Will it play a functional role of delivering the bride to the church? Will the groom be the one driving the unit? Or will it be featured for the video and photo opportunities?

To perfectly navigate your bridal car’s role in your wedding, read some of our tips.

Consider the passenger.

You have to empathize with the passenger – the bride. Think about how she will use the vehicle, her entrance, her exit, how her wedding dress would be in it, and more. Think of her dress and how delicate it is, and how her moving around while wearing it might impose difficulties. These should be in mind for you when picking out a bridal car.

The inside of the vehicle must be clean and fresh while the outside must be pristine. Armrests must be removed out of the way so as to not give additional difficulties to the gowned bride while she is moving around.

Note for the car’s color.

Sometimes rental companies give you a list of suitable units for rent for wedding days, but on rare occasions that they fail to list the car color – seek for it. The safest bet for a wedding is color white, but consult with your wedding planner for her ideas.

Sometimes a wedding’s theme is not entirely white and colorful motifs are inserted. It might be a good idea to pick a color that suits that motif.

Assign a designated driver.

It is hard to decide whether to have the groom himself drive the vehicle or have a designated chauffeur instead. The groom being the driver gives him a dependable look, but with the hectic schedule of a wedding – this role might become a burden for him to bear.

A designated driver provided by the company could make things easier at a minimal cost too. But relatives can also drive the car for the marrying couple. However, make sure that the one operating the wheel is familiar with using the vehicle. After all, the passenger is a precious person.

You can also contact us through the following:
[Globe]: 0936 812 9040 or 0955 872 3883
[Smart]: 0981 632 5288 or 0907 931 8774

Driving Superstitions in the Philippines

Driving Superstitions in the Philippines

The Philippines is a deeply religious and superstitious country. Some of these practices have been showcased by the Pinoy animated series Trese. By the different superstitions shown there, they failed to show some of our interesting ones regarding driving.

In our culture, there are beliefs regarding driving. It does not matter whether one believes the supernatural or not, because Filipinos practice these nevertheless. It would not hurt you to know some of our country’s superstitions especially if you plan to stay here for a while.

Most cars have been blessed by Catholic priests.

The culture of folk catholicism is still widespread in the Philippines. It is part of the Filipino culture to request clergymen to bless their new belongings such as a new house, a store, and even vehicles.

But the blessing is not limited to new vehicles straight from the store. Secondhand units with a spooky history, such as having been owned by a now deceased person, are typically being re-blessed again to push the bad spirits away.

Be mindful of old large trees. Do not attempt to cause any disturbance near or on it.

Most of the Philippines used to be covered in forests. Back then, Filipinos were animists who believed that there are spirits living in nature such as trees, rocks, and even bodies of water. This culture is still being practiced by indigenous tribes in the country.

A standout lore is the commonly feared Balete tree. This is considered as sacred by people, with most of them treating it with respect. When someone is driving and comes across a Balete tree, they should be quiet and respectful so as to not disturb the entity living in it.

If possible, avoid driving by a cemetery in the evenings.

Cemeteries are creepy and have been associated with ghosts. However, in the Philippines most cemeteries can be located by the side of the road!

But despite the availability and closeness cemeteries have to residential areas, there is still a terrorizing feeling attributed to cemeteries in the country.

In some provinces, it is common for people to practice the superstition of holding your breath while driving past a cemetery. Some even avoid going out in the evening so as to not encounter them when it is night time.

Do not have 13 people inside one vehicle.

When you are out for a vacation with a big group, keep in mind how many people are inside one vehicle. If you are renting a van or an SUV but have exactly 13 people on board – it might be best for you to rent 2 vehicles instead.

In the Philippines, the number 13 symbolizes bad luck. Many buildings in the country do not have a 13th floor to avoid any misfortune that comes with the number. Aside from avoiding the bad luck associated with this number, you would also want to avoid overloading an SUV rental with too many passengers too.

Whether you believe that there is a supernatural world living among us, it will not harm to learn a few superstitions. They can teach you about the country, its history, culture, and traditions.

You can also contact us through the following:
[Globe]: 0936 812 9040 or 0955 872 3883
[Smart]: 0981 632 5288 or 0907 931 8774

Why you should Separate Car Rentals from Hotel Bookings

Why you should Separate Car Rentals from Hotel Bookings

It is now common for hotel accommodations to offer an additional transportation service for their guests. This might sound convenient, but in several situations – this might do you more harm than good.

For some people, it will be better if you have your own rental vehicle for yourself. Here are some of our justifiable reasons why sometimes it is better to not avail your hotel’s transportation service instead.

You want to make a good impression on business meetings.

When you’re in the city for business purposes, it is preferable for you to present yourself in the best way possible. You might leave a wrong impression to your client when they see you come out of a hotel van.

In this situation, it would be useful for you to explore a car rental service that can offer the vehicle you need to leave a great impression. With us in Tacloban Rent a Car, we have a lot of vehicles that you won’t shy away from using when you’re meeting with your clients.

You want to explore the city at your own pace and time.

Even when you are on a business trip or for leisure, some cities are better explored when you have freedom on the wheels. Public transportation is tied down by their routes. Jumping from different points in commuting will be confusing, especially in a brand new city.

A good rental with a reliable company can help you with this. Having your own rental vehicle will give you more liberties to navigate around the city as you’d like. There are navigational apps available such as Google Maps or Waze to help you around the neighborhood.

You want a car that is sure to be clean while you are using it.

A downside in hotel transportation is that it is shared. This comes with health risks and implications that one should still note despite the waning effect of the pandemic. Even when we are already relaxing from the actions we used to take back when COVID-19 was still raging, it is not wrong for someone to take extra precautions for their safety.

We in Kalibo Rent a Car still complies with the standards of cleanliness imposed during the pandemic. We make sure our vehicles are clean inside and out for the safety of our clients.

Your destination is not within the city.

It is not wrong to think that some of the best and most worthwhile tourist spots are located far away from the city. Sometimes, the hotel transportation cannot accommodate this trip, leaving you with public transportation to rely on. But with all your baggage, is that really a good idea?

When traveling to a far location, one should keep 3 things in mind:
a. Safety
b. Comfort
c. Accessibility

Booking for a car rental with these 3 in mind will help you find the best unit to assist you in your travels. You will need a sturdy vehicle, preferably an SUV or a Pick Up truck, that can withstand the possibly rocky and jagged roads there are in the province.

You can also contact us through the following:
[Globe]: 0936 812 9040 or 0955 872 3883
[Smart]: 0981 632 5288 or 0907 931 8774

Tips to Prepare for your Bohol Trip

Tips to Prepare for your Bohol Trip

A trip to Bohol isn’t complete without going on side trips to other municipalities. There are just so many natural wonders you can visit in Province of Bohol. But rather than availing an expensive tour package, you might think that it’s more affordable for you and your friends to rent a vehicle and drive it yourself!

That is a great and feasible idea! But before you just go and launch on your Bohol road trip, you need an effective plan. It is important to familiarize yourself with the road, the route, and what vehicle is best for you to use.

To assist you in your planning, here are some of our suggestions on what to keep in mind when you go on a road trip!

Stick to SUVs or Pick Up Trucks.

The roads in Bohol are mostly paved, cemented, and graveled – there are still areas with bumpy uncemented roads or where the streets are completely broken. It is better for you and your group to rent pick-up trucks and SUVs instead of sedans or hatchbacks. The impact of a long road with unstable ground might be too much if you rent a low-lying vehicle.

Aim for a big and tough vehicle that is still within your budget. It should last throughout your few days of going on a roadtrip to whatever corner in Bohol

Make sure the vehicle has enough space for your companions and your belongings.

Road trips can last between an entire day to days even! Traffic won’t be a problem for some destinations because they are only issues within the city.

Establishing that you and friends are going on a long ride together in a moving vehicle, it is a must for you to have room for yourselves and that it is clean. It’s unpleasant to stay in a smelly vehicle that requires you to stay in the same position for a time. Make sure you won’t be cramped and that the ambience is pleasant.

Extra room in the back is also a necessity whenever you eat your meals. On rush times when you need to eat take outs while the car is running, it is a must that there is extra space for you to have your meal.

Prepare for emergencies.

A non-negotiable way to ensure your safety is that when you are looking for a company to rent a car from – you should find one that prioritizes the customer’s safety and security above everything else. You should go for one that offers great units for its value.

What to look out for in a company to know whether it is emergency ready are the following:
1. They must have a spare tire.
2. The staff leaves you with numbers to reach in case of emergency.
3. There is rental car insurance.
4. They have clear instructions regarding liabilities and accidents.

You should also bring your own emergency items just in case. A first aid kit, some extra clothes, a flashlight, batteries, powerbank, and more might be useful to you in case something happens.

To make your Kalibo trip more memorable, you should also take into consideration the journey you have to go through. When planning, make sure that the trip will be stress-free. By avoiding the stressors there is in traveling, your vacation will be left with only happy memories to remember.

You can also contact us through the following:
[Globe]: 0936 812 9040 or 0955 872 3883
[Smart]: 0981 632 5288 or 0907 931 8774

Tips to Make the Most out of your Business Trip

Tips to Make the Most out of your Business Trip

A trip to Bohol City can be fun regardless of if you don’t have a budget or if you have one.

For both choices, it might be hard for you to stay away from the company’s planned itinerary. But a trip to Bohol might become more interesting if you follow our tips below.

To help you get started on having a more fun time in Bohol City, consider doing our tips below:

Hotels in Bohol

Those who prefer to splurge can have the luxuries offered by the high-end hotels like 717 Cesar Place Hotel, Amon Ini Beach Resort and Spa, Blue Star Dive and Resort, Loboc River Resort, Anda White Beach Resort, Kasagpan, Casa Amihan, MetroCentre Hotel and Convention Center, Kew Hotel, and more. Hotels sometimes provide chauffeurs leading you to locations they have pre-determined.

For the budgetarians, you can stay in nice hotels for affordable prices. They usually offer free breakfast meals but sometimes there are none at all. There are nearby carenderias or local restaurants that provide a hearty meal.

Know the city.

There are a lot of activities offered by Bohol. In nearby municipalities there are plenty of natural attractions, but in the city proper itself there are nice places you can go to for an hour or two with business associates or by yourself.

To avoid a hotel-meeting-hotel lifestyle for the rest of your business trip, visit some of the malls in the city. There is Island City Mall, Bohol Quality Mall, Alturas Mall Tagbiliran, Galleria Luisa Mall, Manga Mall, Moadto Strip Mall, Alta Cita Mall, Arcom Center, Alona Cube Mall, The Alley on J.A., and Luition Center.

If you don’t want to blend into a crowd but instead wants to relax in a cafe, you can go to the 121 VP Inting St Between NFA and Villa Alzhun, Tagbilaran City
and check out Mosia Cafe. It might be better if you go for cafes found in Downtown for easier access. Chido Cafe, The Buzz Cafe, Tamper Coffee and Brunch, Bo’s Coffee Club, Caffeine, Dunkin Donuts, Tuko Cafe, Brewpoint coffee Shop and Restaurant, Sticky Spoon Cafe, Freds Book Cafe, and sweet Home Cafe are some local favorites.

Avail a good rental car for yourself.

Plenty of first-time travelers can underestimate the roads and routes of Bohol City. Some abstain from exploring even Downtown thanks to the confusion they can get from the public transportation system. The humid air and traffic at peak hours is not very inviting to those who just want to explore the city.

On times that you have an appointment far from the city, it is good to have your own rental unit that you have all to yourself. Unlike public transportation where you have to wait for the entire vehicle to get filled before traveling, a self-drive rental gives you freedom of movement.

A good rental car from Bohol Rent a Car can be easily arranged. With our diverse selection of rental vehicles at affordable rates, you can go to your business meetings in style and have more liberties when exploring Gensan.

Eat local foods and delicacies.

Explore the local options and skip from the fast food chains. When you’re in a new location, the best way to get to know the place is through their food and people.

Bohol is popularly known for the iconic Chocolate Hills, the cute primate, Tarsier, found only in Bohol, and the beguiling, natural tourist attractions enticing Filipinos and foreign tourists to stay and have a vacation in the province. But what is more interesting about the local Bohol delicacies you can indulge in while having the best in Bohol. While at it, do not miss out on bringing your Bohol pasalubong and native delicacies to complete your Bohol getaway this year.

Peanut Kisses

Where to Buy: Bohol Souvenirs and Delicacies, Groceries and SM department stores in Tagbilaran, Bohol, souvenir shops, street stalls near air and seaports
Price Range: PhP250 to PhP280 per pack

Ksses Chocolate. Bohol’s take on the sweet delicacy has been loved by tourists and visitors, further evolving into a delicacy inspired by the iconic Chocolate Hills. This local delicacy in Bohol is made of egg whites and high-quality sourced peanuts. Decades of existence made this popular delicacy famous outside Bohol, making it to the national marketplace to delight more people to bring a Bohol pasalubong. Peanut Kisses serves as an iconic sweet delicacy of Bohol, signifying the Chocolate Hills-like form into a sweet and crispy delicacy.

Taste the mini Chocolate Hills and delight your mouth with this local delicacy which can come in 20 grams, 100 grams, or 200 grams. You can take home this Bohol delicacy as a pasalubong treat, as it also comes in travel-size packs. You can buy Peanut Kisses in pieces or big bags.


Where to Buy: Calamaderas, Jagna Calamay Makers, Calamay Stores, Jagna Gama’s Calamay Special, Tata Ranoa’s Calamay, Abing’s Calamay, Wilma’s Calamay
Price Range: PhP70 to PhP252

Your trip to Bohol will be incomplete when you miss tasting the sweet and delicious Calamay, a known Bohol delicacy in the country, with many different versions. Calamay is a sweet delicacy made of milled, glutinous rice, coconut milk, and sugar, with crushed peanuts as an additional ingredient. The well-milled rice is mixed with mild-heated coconut milk and constantly stirred to achieve consistency and stickiness. The peanuts give off a nutty and distinct flavor, but the Calamay can also be as delicious as those without the peanuts.

The Calamay is a local delicacy in Bohol that mirrors the patience, dedication, and hard work of the Boholanos that comes with making one. Give this sweet delicacy to a loved one as your Bohol pasalubong, or even enjoy one for yourself while you are on vacation in Bohol.

Chicken Halang-Halang

Seafood House, Alvas Chicken, Sr. Pedro Chicken Restaurant, Mano Resto, Payag Resto, Bohol Bee Farm, Farmville A Taste of Bohol Restaurant, Just Sizzlin’ Resto, other resorts, hotels, and restaurants
Price Range: PhP300 to PhP495

Taste the best of both worlds with Bohol’s local delicacy, the Chicken Halang Halang, a specialty mix of your favorite viands, the Chicken Tinola or Chicken Ginger Soup, and the Ginataang Manok or Chicken Curry. Both of these dishes are popular in the Visayan regions, and it sure is deliciously intriguing to try the Chicken Halang Halang. Halang means hot, which means that this local delicacy in Bohol is expected to be creamy, flavorful, and spicy. Chicken Halang Halang is also popular among restaurants and resorts in Bohol, and this exciting dish is one that you should not miss that will add literal spice to your getaway.

Tableya Chocolate

Where to Buy: El Tableya Chocolate Shop in Baclayon, Dalareich Chocolate in Tagbilaran, G Cocoa’s, Bohol Online Store, Estrella Bakery, Atbang Farm, Bohol’s Quality Pastries, Shann’s Tableya, Bohol Bee Farm, Jojie’s Painitang Bol-anon, Audrey’s Bakery
Price Range: PhP95 to PhP120

Imagine a ball of pure chocolate that you can heat to make a delicious cup of hot chocolate! Well, stop imagining because Bohol has this delicacy in Tablea Chocolate. This sweet Bohol delicacy comprises ground cacao beans formed into small, round balls. Tablea is derived from the word ‘tablet’. Tablea can be made into a hot chocolate drink called Sikwate. Boholanos and tourists love the taste of chocolate in another form, and the tablea is the perfect local delicacy for it. This local delicacy in Bohol is easy to prepare by boiling a cup of water and adding a round piece of tablea. You can also add a milk variant to add more creaminess and flavor. You can have your favorite breakfast chocolate drink in the morning when you wake up from your getaway hangover. You can also bring this as your Bohol pasalubong to your family and friends.

Broas or Ladyfingers

Where to Buy: Osang’s Homemade Pastries, Tessie’s Sweets and Pastries
Price: PhP100+

Ladyfingers, locally known as broas and more famous in Baclayon, Bohol, are crispy yet lightweight delicacies that excite your mouth. This Bohol delicacy is made from flour, sugar, and eggs. This native delicacy’s origin can be traced back to Spanish times, wherein the people frequently used egg whites as materials in the church’s construction. The yolks are then made into cookies, and local delicacies do not go to waste. The tastiest broas can be found in Baclayon, and the best-recommended shop to buy the most delicious broas is Osang’s Homemade Pastries.

Broas might be available nationwide in different tastes and variations. Still, Bohol pasalubong will always have a distinct flavor that stands out from others, and for this year’s trip, it is one of the most delicious Bohol delicacies you should try.

You can find varieties of activities to do while staying in the vicinity and try out the best delicacies of the land. To give you a glimpse of these mouth-watering foods, here is a quick list:

If you don’t want to go to places like that, you can opt to try local restaurants around Bohol City proper. Ask your hotel receptionist for the best ones!

Even when you are in Bohol City for business, it doesn’t mean that you should only do business in there. While you’re in the city, explore, get to know the place, and enjoy!

You can also contact us through the following:
[Globe]: 0936 812 9040 or 0955 872 3883
[Smart]: 0981 632 5288 or 0907 931 8774

FAQs on Self-Drive Rental

FAQs on Self-Drive Rental

When you’re on a trip to another city, most of the time its inconvenient to commute in their unfamiliar transportation system. If you’re not sure of their routes, paying for public transportation might become expensive getting from point A to point B. Nowadays, it’s popular to get a self-driven car rental.

Self Drive rentals are popular in key cities like Tacloban due to the convenience it gives. With the help of navigation tools like Waze and Google Maps, tourists who are unfamiliar with local roads can have an easier time traversing the city and more.


Rental units for self-drive starts at PHP 2000 and it varies for the type of vehicle you will be renting. There will be special rates and discounts available for long-term rentals and for frequent clients.


It is best advised for you to reserve your desired rental unit days prior to your visit to ensure vehicle availability. You will have more choices and liberty to pick a car that would suit your needs. Early reservation makes you a priority customer for us.
1. Contact the company through their mobile numbers, Facebook Page, website, or email.
2. Send the required documents in softcopy for their assessment.
3. Wait for their approval and advice on vehicle availability.
4. Pay for the reservation fee.
5. Wait for the booking confirmation.


Our car rental company offers self-drive rental to individuals that can complete proper identification. Here are some of our basic requirements. The staff may ask for more requirements if they see fit.
1. Driver’s License (active)
2. Government Issued ID
3. Proof of Residence (Water Bill, Electricity Bill, Hotel Bill)
4. Airline Ticket (if applicable)


When you are approved and booked by our staff, you can pick up your rental vehicle at the agreed location and time. We can deliver the vehicle to you for an additional delivery charge or you can pick it up from our garage. For more information on delivery fees, ask our staff.

For self-drive rentals, it is best that you check the following from our vehicle:
1. Inspect the appearance of our car on the outside and inside. Check for dents, paint scratch, the windshield, windows, the tires, and rims.
2. Have the staff wait for you while you inspect the driving condition of the car. It is best you take note of the fuel tank, to test the brake, to inspect the lights, oil, fluids, coolant, and to try the steering wheel.

Do note that when you rent a vehicle you have to comply with the following:
1. Signing of the rental contract.
2. Full payment for the vehicle and a cash deposit that will be returned to you after the trip, in the event that there has been no damages to the rented vehicle.
3. Submission of the remaining documents.

To avoid mishaps and hassles with the transaction, make sure to follow the contents of the contract and be careful with your driving. In the instance of confusion or need for clarification, it is best for you to contact our staff. We are flexible with your rental as long as we have come to an agreement.


We have the option to pick up the vehicle at the releasing point for a minimal charge depending on the place. The renter can also return it to our garage for no fees.

By your return, make sure that the condition of the vehicle is the same as when you have inspected it on our release. We will check for the following:
1. The appearance of the car – for dents, scratches, the windshield, the tires, and the interior.
2. The fuel tank.

If all is good, the cash deposit will be returned. In the event of damages incurred by the renter, the vehicle will be assessed at a professional car dealership and the estimated repair cost would be shouldered by the renter. It can come from the cash deposit, and the excess will be returned. If the cash deposit is not enough, the remaining balance will be paid for by the renter.

You can also contact us through the following:
[Globe]: 0936 812 9040 or 0955 872 3883
[Smart]: 0981 632 5288 or 0907 931 8774

Why Avail a With Driver Rental

Why Avail a With Driver Rental

Normally, tourists would want a self-driven car rental for the convenience and privacy of having a vehicle all to themselves while they explore the city. To some, renting a driver might sound too much because – why pay extra if you can just commute?

But there are certain situations where availing a with driver car rental is best for you – in ways that fits your predicament and is affordable.


When you are new to the city and not good with directions.
If it is your first time somewhere, it is best to have someone else get you from point A to B. You might think that you can commute instead, but certain public transportation systems have their own routes you are not familiar with – leaving you vulnerable to getting lost.

Having a good driver guide will show you where to go, what routes are best to avoid traffic, and can also give recommendations on great local places you should check out.

Whether you are alone or with company, the driver service will benefit you greatly. Instead of fussing over where to go and how to get there, that worry is now removed and is left for your chauffeur to figure out.

A rental car with a driver gives you the most value because it still gets you places without the hassle and worry on the hows of it.

You are meeting someone out of City.

In the event that you are meeting someone outside of the city proper, you will be exposed to more unfamiliarity in terms of the road and navigation. A driver rental can help you remove that.

Some taxis or public commutes might not be available to get you to your destination directly. In public transportation, you might need to move from one vehicle to another, leaving an unfamiliar you exposed to roads and routes you have never been before. On travel, you might have difficulty checking your location through navigation applications as network signals are not consistent on the road.

In Our Rent a Car, we have rental services with our own driver with predetermined rates for out-of-the-city trips. It will save you a lot of time to avail our service instead of going through multiple trips for one destination alone.

There are no issues whether you want to travel on your own through a self-drive or to rent a car with a driver in charge. But in the event that you are in an unfamiliar and new city, alone or with people you need to pay attention to, having a local driver might help you in more ways than one.

A PWD is accompanying you.

If there is a Person with Disability on your trip, it is best to be cautious and be a passenger too to monitor them. Keeping an eye on them and on the road at the same time is hazardous, which the driver can relieve you from.

In the case of medical emergencies while you are out, you can attend to them even when you are on transit. The driver also knows the best ways around the city so they can bring you to the nearest clinic or emergency room.

A driver is also handy for recommending places that are PWD-friendly and for avoiding places that might not be good for your companion. They will give you extra hands in navigating your trip with the PWD, leaving you more room to breathe in your vacation.

You can also contact us through the following:
[Globe]: 0936 812 9040 or 0955 872 3883
[Smart]: 0981 632 5288 or 0907 931 8774

What to Consider Before Renting a Car? Let’s Find Out!

What to Consider Before Renting a Car? Let’s Find Out!

Renting a car will be a huge breath of relief for you rather than dealing with the hassle of public transportation or paying for an in-app taxi whenever you need to travel. Whether you are renting a car on a vacation or on a business trip, this guide below will disclose some tips and reminders to enjoy the journey and rental in style.


1. Know what you need.
There are a lot of factors to consider before deciding on a rental. Such as the number of people accompanying the trip, the amount of luggage you have, the special equipment needed on the road, and many more! This can help you and your rental company pinpoint the best vehicle to use for you and your circumstance.

2. Review the rental agreement.
Do not forget to see the terms and conditions of your rental agreement. This includes the exact duration of the rental period, any mileage limit, additional fees that can incur, and damage coverage just in case. Familiarize yourself with this so as to not violate any terms indicated within the agreement.

3. Check the vehicle.
Before signing the agreement, do inspect the vehicle to check for its condition. See the tires, the gas gauge, the condition of the seats, the brakes, and many more. It would not hurt you to be thorough.

4. Bring the necessary documents along.
When you pick up the rental, bring all the requirements and identification you can. This will make the rental process easier and smoother.

5. Return the vehicle on time.
When you are wrapping up your trip, return the vehicle ahead or on time as stated in the rental agreement. Returning it late will accumulate additional charges.

6. Only use the vehicle on paved roads.
Some rental companies do not allow their vehicles to be used on dirt, uncemented, and unpaved roads to avoid damage to the car. It is best you stick on paved and cemented roads to distance your rented vehicle from issues and damage.

7. Fill up the tank before you return the vehicle.
Rental companies want the gas gauge filled the same way it has been handed over to you. If you fail to do this, you can incur an additional charge.

8. Get a straight itinerary plan.
Inform your rental company of your itinerary to work on the drop-off and pick-up locations of the vehicle.

Which is better: Self-Drive or With Driver Car Rental?

Which is better: Self-Drive or With Driver Car Rental?

When availing a car rental, there are a lot of considerations you must think of before making a decision. If you’re in it for the long haul and you have a tiring trip, having a hired driver might be better for you. But if you’re backpacking across a province for your vacation, maybe a self-drive will be better for you.

There will be pros and cons to either of the services, so you must make this important decision with all factors in mind! Here are some of the things you must consider before deciding to avail a self-drive or with driver rental.

Self-Drive Car Rental:

You have complete control over the vehicle, your destination, schedule, and route. You can go wherever you want at your own pace, on the route you prefer, at a speed of your choice, and with only yourself to consider. Abide by the terms and conditions of the rental agreement, and aside from that, you are a free man with a car to take you everywhere!

You must be prepared to drive in areas you haven’t been before. It is highly suggested you have your GPS set up to not get lost. You should also be well-versed with dealing with potential issues of the vehicles such as the change of tires and many more

With Driver Car Rental:

The driver assigned will be more familiar with the place, leaving you no fuss with driving and navigating around the area. This can be helpful to you for a first-time comer. They can also recommend you to locally-known places to eat and visit.

You will have to deal with a nonflexible and rigid schedule predetermined with the rental company. It is generally more expensive since the driver’s fees will incur an additional cost.

The choice of availing a self-drive rental or a with driver relies on you, the client. It is up to your preference and needs for that trip whatever of the two you may avail. Self-driving gives you the autonomous control of the vehicle on the road, while hiring a driver can leave you resting on the back seat and relaxed. It depends on you.


Using the service of the hired driver will be more expensive compared to self-driving. However if this is not a problem and your need to be chauffeured around surpasses the cost, then hiring a driver is justified and more worth it.

If you prefer to go at your own pace and to be flexible on your trip, a self-driving service will be best for you. But if you have a structured trip laid out, a hired driver can make the vacation a lot less stressful.

Those who are not comfortable with driving to new places will benefit the most from a hired driver.

If you are in for a long business trip where you’re exhausted by work, a self-driving rental will become more tiring for you. Hire a driver instead to catch some rest and breaks in between locations.

When traveling with a lot of people, hiring a big vehicle with a driver is more practical than having multiple self-driven cars.

When going to unfamiliar and challenging destinations, a driver who’s familiar with the area’s traffic, roads, and streets will be more beneficial. But if you are in a familiar city with easy to navigate roads, self-driving is a better option for you.

When you are self-driving, you will be held liable for the damages or accidents that will happen during your rental duration. When you have a driver, they will be responsible for it.

When traveling somewhere that you don’t speak their local dialect, your hired driver can help you communicate with locals instead.

There are a lot of factors to consider when making this decision, but what’s important is to always uphold your personal needs and preferences. Do not forget to keep in mind what we listed above when deciding!